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60 min

The Surprising Cost of On-Call Operations

Anurag Gupta and Ashley Stirrup presented data and insights from a survey conducted with 300 on-call practitioners, managers and executives at this hosted webinar on Sept 7th, 2022.
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We partnered with Dimensional Research to do an independent survey of over 300 on-call practitioners, managers and executives with the goal of helping technology executives and cloud operations leaders make better and informed decisions. The survey revealed some surprising data on the cost of on-call. One of the eye opening revelation was that, despite spending 2.5M per year on on-call operations, the companies still suffer from too many major incidents, slow resolution times, and low team satisfaction.

In this webinar Anurag Gupta and Ashley Stirrup dug deeper into the survey data and shared their insights. They also shared a number of practical recommendations that you can start implementing today to lower costs and improve productivity while increasing availability.

60 min

The Surprising Cost of On-Call Operations

Anurag Gupta and Ashley Stirrup presented data and insights from a survey conducted with 300 on-call practitioners, managers and executives at this hosted webinar on Sept 7th, 2022.
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We partnered with Dimensional Research to do an independent survey of over 300 on-call practitioners, managers and executives with the goal of helping technology executives and cloud operations leaders make better and informed decisions. The survey revealed some surprising data on the cost of on-call. One of the eye opening revelation was that, despite spending 2.5M per year on on-call operations, the companies still suffer from too many major incidents, slow resolution times, and low team satisfaction.

In this webinar Anurag Gupta and Ashley Stirrup dug deeper into the survey data and shared their insights. They also shared a number of practical recommendations that you can start implementing today to lower costs and improve productivity while increasing availability.

What you'll learn

Benchmark data on the typical size of on-call teams, average time to resolve incidents, growth rates, and time spent on toil

The frequency of escalations and their impact on the time-to-resolve incidents

The number of major incidents companies experienced in the last 12 months and the most common causes

Three actionable recommendations to systematically improve on-call team productivity and infrastructure and application reliability

Featured speakers
Anurag Gupta
Former VP of AWS Database and Analytic Services. Founder and CEO of
Ashley Stirrup
COO, Shoreline Software
Cody Brown
Moderator, Techstrong Group

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