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Shoreline on Shoreline: Open Port Check

It's critical to close ports like 22 and 3389 that can be opened unintentionally in a development environment
1 min

As Shoreline's Director Of Operations, I rely on Shoreline Op Packs to ensure high reliability and security for our customers.

There are so many things to keep track of in cloud operations. One of those is whether any ports are open to the world. This is especially important for port 22 for SSH and port 3389 for remote login, because these 2 ports can easily be opened unintentionally in a development environment. Having any of these ports open to the world without proper security could have a major impact for my company and our customers.

I can check these ports relatively easily with a script that verifies their condition across a cloud account. But the script becomes a lot longer and harder to maintain when I need to run it across multiple cloud accounts.

Shoreline handles this complexity for me, and makes everything easy again. Since Shoreline  agents naturally run across all accounts, they can quickly get me the information I need with a single command.

Even better, Shoreline can also take action when necessary. I just define the action based on the condition set in my Alarm. In this case, the action is to disable the ports. Connecting the alarm definition with the appropriate actions gives me a complete loop that automatically fixes this situation every-time the alarm is triggered.

This keeps our infrastructure secure, and really helps me sleep better at night.


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